from 3900 THB

Phi Phi ostrovy rýchločlnom

Not Rated

6 hours

Tour Type

Specific Tour

Velikost skupiny

14 people


anglický, slovenský/český


Phi Phi je malé súostrovie šiestich ostrovov – Phi Phi Don, Phi Phi Leh, Bamboo a Mosquito Island, Koh Bida Nok a Koh Bida Nai. Phi Phi sú propagované ako jedno z najkrajších, no zároveň ľahko dostupných súostroví na svete. Ostrovy sa stali celosvetovo známymi, keď bola pláž Maya použitá ako miesto pre britsko-americký film z roku 2000 Pláž s Leonardom di Capriom v hlavnej úlohe. Odštartovalo to masívnejší turizmus, ktorý začal objavovať tento prírodný skvost.

Náš poldňový výlet na ostrovy Phi Phi pokrýva všetko. Pre nadšencov mora a podmorského života zastavíme na úžasných miestach pre šnorchlovanie alebo si môžete zaplávať v azúrových vodách miestnych lagún. Phi Phi je jedným z najlepších miest na šnorchlovanie v celom Thajsku s množstvom pestrého morského života len pár metrov pod vodnou hladinou.

Tip: Phi Phi je skvelým miestom aj pre váš prvý skúšobný ponor. Je vysoko pravdepodobné, že ľudia pri svojom prvom ponore alebo šnorchlovaní uvidia korytnačku alebo žraloka a potápanie si zamilujú!

Počas dňa sa vám naskytnú dych berúce výhľady a fotogenické scenérie. Naživo sa stretnete s divokými opicami. Prejdeme sa po magickom Bamboo ostrove. Ľahnite si do bieleho piesku, zatvorte na chvíľu oči a uvedomte si tento moment.

Z dvoch ostrovov je jeden úplne bez ľudských obyvateľov (Phi Phi Leh) a druhý je bez ciest, no ponúka obrovské možnosti zábavy (Phi Phi Don). Koh Phi Phi bolo zdevastované Tsunami v Indickom oceáne v decembri 2004, keď takmer celá infraštruktúra ostrova bola zničená. Od roku 2010 bola väčšina budov obnovená.

Pláž Maya, na ostrove Phi Phi Leh, bola zatvorená v roku 2018 po tom, čo úradníci dospeli k záveru, že prudký nárast návštevníkov vážne poškodil životné prostredie. Boli vybudovné drevené chodníky a toalety.  Veľká časť ekosystému však bola našťastie obnovená. V roku 2024 zatvorili pláž na dva mesiace – august a september.

V prípade záujmu o súkromný prenájom motorového člna na výlet na Phi Phi si môžete pozrieť náš cenník tu: Súkromné ​​prenájmy


  • Dospelí: 3,900 THB za osobu
  • Deti 3-12r: 2,700 THB za osobu


  • Experience premium service tour in small group of 6-14 people only
  • Personal approach to everyone - Good vibes
  • Fast boat cruise to Phi Phi - Comfort on board - Avoid crowds
  • Top-notch snorkelling equipment


Meet up at 8.30am

Meet us and fellow trip participants at the office 30 minutes before scheduled departure to try snorkelling equipment and get the briefing about trip's program.

Departure at 9am - boat cruise

The cruise takes about 50 minutes. You can enjoy soft drink, fresh fruit all day long. Please free to use marine toilet and fresh water showers if needed. All 14 seats are under the bimini roof in the shade. There is a sundeck with capacity for 6 people. You can leave your rental motorbike at the pier.

Koh Bida Nok - snorkeling

These two small rock islands are best snorkeling spots in Phi Phi archipelago thus in Thailand. Jump into the water in the safe zone and look for black tip reef sharks and admire coral reef.

Maya Bay - photoshoot

Charming place where the movie “The Beach” with Leonardo DiCaprio was shot. That is our first snorkeling spot between the boat and tiny beach in the bay. After about one hour of snorkeling we walk through the island for about 10 minutes from Loh Sama bay pier to another side to Maya beach itself. It suddenly opens up spectacular view into the bay. Swimming is not allowed from the beach.

Pileh Lagoon - swimming and lunch time

We slowly cruise into fabulous lagoon with high rocks above us. The water inside this beautiful lagoon is of the most crystal clear azure waters you may have ever seen. It is famous photo scenery from postcards. We serve lunch during the stay here.

Viking Cave - snorkeling

On the northeastern tip of the island, Viking Cave is a major collection point for outrageously valuable swifts' nests, the key components of the Chinese specialty bird's-nest soup. 

Monkey Beach

Monkey beach is located on the west side of Phi Phi Don, an excellent spot to feed the monkeys who hang off the cliffs or walk on the beach.

Bamboo Island - relaxing

Enjoy walking on white sand beach and swimming in crystal-clear waters. Walk around the island within few minutes. Find your quiet place to admire this stunning paradise.

Return to Koh Yao Yai at 3pm

We show you one more secret place and we head back to Koh Yao Yai for about 45minutes. We will arrange a return taxi for you or you get back to resort by rental scooter. Check the FAQs about transfers.


  • National park fee
  • 38"speedboat with marine toilet, fresh water showers
  • Two platforms for easy access to the sea
  • Soft drinks, fresh fruit all day long
  • Lunchbox onboard (fried rice with chicken and vegetables)
  • Full snorkelling equipment – mask, snorkel and fins
  • English speaking guide
  • Roundtrip transfer from your resort to the office (See FAQs)
  • Tip: we recommend to rent a scooter on Koh Yao Yai


6 hours

Místo konanie výletu


How do I get to your office? Is the pick up included in the price of the trip?

Roundtrip transfer is not included in the price.

  • Elixir resort – 400 THB (5 mins. drive)
  • Loh Pared Beach Area (Santhiya Resort, Royal Yao Yai, Blue Bay resort, Yao Yai Resort) – 700 THB (15 mins. drive)
  • North of Koh Yao Yai (Anantara, Koh Yao Yai Village, Hillside resort, Thiwson, Baan Taranya – 800 THB (25 mins. drive)

Price of the transfer is always roundtrip and is per car. We split the costs, if there are more guests from the same area. Please send us resort name and your room number to arrange the transfer and pick up.

We recommend renting a motorbike to come to our office (250 THB/day). There is very little traffic on Koh Yao Yai and motorbike is also great way to explore the island.

from 3900 THB
