from 8000 THB

Šnorchlovací výlet na ostrovy Poda

Not Rated

6 hours

Tour Type

Denný výlet

Velikost skupiny





Šnorchlovací výlet

Výlet na ostrovy Poda ponúka očarujúce zážitky na ich nedotknutých bielych plážach, ktoré sú ideálne na oddávanie sa šnorchlovaniu a slneniu. Tento ostrov sa nachádza v parku Rangers a môže sa pochváliť vybavením, ako je bar a toalety. Ponorte sa do krištáľovo čistých vôd, ktoré sa hemžia pulzujúcim morským životom, alebo sa vydajte na odľahlé časti pláže ďaleko od rušných davov. Zachyťte fotoaparátom nezabudnuteľné momenty s pozadím týčiacich sa vápencových útesov.

Ostrov Tup je plynule spojený s ostrovom Chicken Island malebným pásom bieleho piesku. Počas odlivu sa vydajte na pokojnú prechádzku na Kurací ostrov a preskúmajte pozdĺž cesty rozmanité podmorské ekosystémy. Prípadne si užite podmorské zázraky obklopujúce oba ostrovy, ideálne pre nadšencov šnorchlovania a plávania.

Kurací ostrov, známy svojimi výraznými vápencovými útvarmi pripomínajúcimi kuraciu lebku, ponúka ideálne podmienky na šnorchlovanie uprostred hravých rybiek známych ako „Nemo“.

Čas vyzdvihnutia

  • 8.00  –  odporúčame vyraziť čo najskôr ráno a vyhnúť sa davom ľudí.

Cena za súkromnú drevenú loď

  • 2 osoby: 7,000 THB
  • 3 osoby: 7,500 THB
  • 4 osoby: 8,000 THB
  • 5 osôb: 9,000 THB
  • 6 osôb: 9,500 THB
  • viac ľudí naceníme na vašu žiadosť

+500 THB extra za návštevu Railay Beach na Krabi

Dospelý je považovaný 12+ rokov a platí plnú sumu
Deti 3-12 rokov platia navyše len 500 THB na osobu


  • Poda Island with secret beach
  • Tup Island
  • Chicken Island with the chicken head rock
  • Railay beach with Phra Nang Cave


Departure at 8am

Our local Thai driver will meet you at your resort at 8am. Please let us know your room number in advance. Please hand the cash to the driver. He takes you to the northern pier to get on the traditional longtail boat with Thai boat captain who speaks some English.

Cruise to Poda Islands

It takes about 50 minutes to get to the first stop. Please bring the towels. You can enjoy swimming and snorkeling around the boat or from the beaches during the day.

Tup Island

Koh Tap is part of the Mu Koh Poda archipelago, located southwest of Ao Nang, nestled between Koh Poda and Chicken Island. Although Koh Tap is smaller than its neighboring islands, it boasts a beautiful beach and clear waters that are perfect for snorkeling, teeming with vibrant tropical fish. At low tide, a sandbar emerges, connecting Chicken Island to the smaller islands of Koh Mor and Tup. This stunning natural phenomenon is known as Talay Waek, or "divided sea," offering a unique and picturesque experience.

Chicken Island

One of the standout features of Chicken Island is its mesmerizing rock formation that resembles a chicken's head—hence its name. This island feels like a slice of paradise, with scenery that looks straight out of a magazine. Visitors are captivated by its fine white sandy beach and the striking turquoise sea, earning it a reputation as one of the most beautiful beaches in Krabi. As mentioned, Chicken Island is an ideal spot for both swimming and snorkeling, making it a must-visit destination.

Visiting Poda Island

Koh Poda is a stunning island in southern Thailand, located just off the coast of Krabi. This island is truly heavenly, featuring smooth sandy beaches and crystal-clear turquoise waters that beckon you to jump in. The surrounding reefs are ideal for snorkeling, and the magnificent rock formations create a picturesque backdrop. The Secret beach, inside the small magical bay, features accessible cave with the lovely view over the bay.

Railay beach, Phra Nang Cave

Take a scenic walk from the east beach to the Phra Nang beach, where you’ll find yourself surrounded by towering limestone cliffs that create a stunning backdrop for swimming. Don’t miss the opportunity to stop at Phra Nang Cave, where you can admire a sacred shrine and beautiful stalactites. This area is also renowned for its rock climbing, with limestone cliffs offering a variety of routes that attract climbers from around the globe. Return back to the east pier and walk on another to side to Walking street full of restaurants, pubs, shops and check Railay west beach.

Return to Koh Yao Yai at around 2pm

You return back to Koh Yao Yai by longtail boat after around 6 hours to get on the car again and drive back to your resort full of amazing memories.


  • Pick up and drop off by car at your resort
  • Private longtail boat
  • Soft drinks, fresh fruit
  • Lunch on board (fried rice chicken)
  • Snorkelling equipment – mask, snorkel
  • National park entry fee
  • Bring pocket cash money to buy coffee or fruit shakes at the beach bar


6 hours

Místo konanie výletu

from 8000 THB


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